Praying Mantis eating a humming bird

Friday, May 18, 2018

You may have heard of how praying mantis are such bad assess.

After sex the female will eat the male.

Well here's one picture that truly surprised us, a mantis eating a humming bird. Yes, a fricking bird ! They usually only eat things like crickets.

We've seen spiders eat birds before but this is one legendary picture! I'd love to know how this insect caught it's prey! So I actually read the comments on reddit (I know, I do deserve a medal) and found this hypothesis as to how the green goblin did the deed:

"So hummingbirds are impressive as fuck, what with their ability to beat their wings eighty trillion times per second. They can hover, move forwards, backwards, up and down and side to side. They're also FAST. However, the praying mantis is hanging from what looks to be a hummingbird feeder, and that's the one place that they're likely to land. So my guess is that the praying mantis went all double-O ninja on her ass when she went down to get a snack."

These insects are more bad ass than a quote by Darth Vader!

As found on Reddit


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